Corporate Policy and Resources Committee




Decisions taken at the meeting held on Tuesday, 15 October 2024.



Meeting Time:

7.00 pm


Meeting Venue:

Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB








5.            Reflections Water Feature*



The Committee resolved to agree to allow a local business sponsor to carry out repairs and maintenance at no cost to the Council for a minimum of three years; and


Delegate authority to the Group Head of Corporate Governance to agree the terms and enter necessary documentation




6.            Sunbury Leisure Centre*



The Committee resolved to agree the submission of a planning application in relation to the decarbonisation of Sunbury Leisure Centre to add additional Solar PV to Sunbury Leisure Centre, install Air-to-Water Heat Pumps and remove the aging boilers from site.




7.            Key Performance Indicators 2023/24



The Committee resolved to note the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be reported on an annual basis to this Committee.




9.            2023-24 Reserves Outturn Report



The Committee resolved to note the 2023-24 Reserves Outturn Report.



10.          Change to Treasury Management Strategy – Proposed Draw Down of Pooled Funds*



The Committee resolved to recommend to Council that it approves the amendment to the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25.




11.          Spelthorne Financial Services Partnership*


The Committee resolved to:


1.    Approve the creation of a Joint Finance Partnership between Mole Valley District Council and Spelthorne Borough Council,


2.    Approve the Heads of Terms for an Intra-Authority Agreement between the two Councils as set out at Appendix 2 of the report and delegate authority to the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Interim Group Head of Corporate Governance to finalise all necessary legal arrangements and agreement to implement the partnership in line with the Heads of Terms,


3.    Approve the creation of a Joint Partnership Board and its terms of reference as outlined in Appendix 3 of the report to provide the scrutiny and governance function for the partnership,


4.    Approve the staff structure for the partnership outlined at Appendix 5, subject to consultation and to delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to approve any amendments to the structure following consultation; and


5.    Approve the partnership budget outlined in Appendix 4 of the report.





12.          Appointment of Charity Trustees - Ashford Sick or Needy*


The Committee resolved to agree the appointments of


Mr G Forsbrey

Mr A Joel and

Councillor S Mooney


as Trustees of the Ashford sick and Needy Charity for a period of four years.




13.          Corporate Risk Management



The Committee resolved to note the significant strategic risks and issues highlighted in the report.



14.          Forward Plan



The Committee resolved to note the contents of the Forward Plan.



15.          Urgent Actions



The Committee resolved to note the urgent action that had taken place since the last meeting of this Committee.




17.          Housing Options Document Management System*



The Committee resolved to recommend to Council that it approves an in-year Capital bid for an Electronic Document Management System for Housing Options




18.          Procurement of a New Website*



The Committee resolved to recommend to Council that it:


1.     Agrees a supplementary Capital budget for a new website,


2.    Agree to proceed with the procurement of a new website,


3.    Authorise the Head of Communications and Customer Engagement to carry out the procurement in accordance with Contract Standing Orders; and


4.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into any legal documentation necessary to implement the new contract and approve the proposed spend under the contract.





19.          Corporate Policy and Resources Chair's Updates


There were none.































(1)          Members are reminded that the “call-in” procedure as set out in Part 4b of the Constitution, shall not apply to the following matters:


(a)         Urgent decisions as defined in Paragraph 9. of the Call-in Scrutiny Procedure Rules;

(b)         Decisions to award a contract following a lawful procurement process;

(c)          Those decisions:

                                i.          reserved to full Council

                               ii.          on regulatory matters

                              iii.          on member conduct issues.


(2)          Those matters to which Note (1) applies, if any, are identified with an asterisk [*] in the above Minutes.


(3)          Within three working days of the date on which this decision is published, not less than three members from two or more political groups by submission of the standard call-in pro-forma, may ask for that decision to be referred to a meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee for review (call-in). The completed pro-forma must be received by the Proper Officer by 5pm three working days after publication of the decision.


(4)          The members exercising the right of call-in must not be members of the Committee which considered the matter.


(5)          When calling in a decision for review the members doing so must demonstrate the following exceptional circumstances:


a.    Evidence which suggests that the decision maker, did not take the decision in accordance with the principles set out in Article 11 (Decision Making); or


b.    Evidence that the decision fails to support one or more of the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities to the detriment of the majority of the Borough’s residents; or


c.    Evidence that explicit Council Policy or legal requirements were disregarded.


(6)          Once the request for ‘call-in’ has been deemed valid by the Monitoring Officer the matter will be suspended until the call-in procedure has been exhausted.


(7)          The Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant officer, will determine if the interests of the Council or Borough would be prejudiced by a delay in implementing a decision such that the call-in cannot wait until the next ordinary meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


(8)          Where the call-in cannot wait until the next ordinary meeting, the Monitoring Officer will arrange an extraordinary meeting of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to review the decision subject to call-in at the earliest possible opportunity.


(9)          In exceptional cases, where there is clear evidence that a delay to the implementation of a decision would lead to a specific and significant financial or reputational harm to the Council, a call-in request may be refused by the Chief Executive following consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


(10)       In reviewing a matter referred to it under the call-in scrutiny procedure rules, the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee shall follow the procedure for dealing with call-in scrutiny at its meetings as set out in Part 4b of the Constitution.


(11)       The deadline of three working days for "call in" in relation to the above decisions by the Committee is the close of business on 21 October 2024.